
Below are the websites of some of our friends, fellow bird businesses and friendly competitors – we recommend their services:

Just click on the blue links to see their websites:


ABA – The only organization in North America that specifically caters to recreational birders

Archbold Biological Station – dedicated to ecological research to understand, interpret and preserve nature

Audubon Florida – The state’s conservation leader

Birding With David Simpson – Homepage of one of our guides

Care Free Birding – Cruise and bird with Dale, Kevin & Ken

Fatbirder – The birding worlds’ biggest on-line resource, 2000 information pages, 30,000 birding websites links!

Florida Ornithological Society – Check it out for the Official Florida State Bird List

Greg Miller – Read the Big Year & see the movie. Will the real Jack Black please stand up! Check his blog for Dry Tortugas photos.

Hardy Boat Cruises – Operating from New Harbor, Pemaquid Point, Maine – sustainable ecotourism for wildlife viewing…

Isaac Sanchez – The 2013 photographic Big Year of our friend Isaac Sanchez

James Curry Birding Adventures TV – Follow the adventures our favourite South African

James Curry’s Report – James describes his adventure with Florida nature Tours on our 24-27 April 2012 tour. His story is illustrated with spectacular photos taken by our favourite North African Adrian Binns

Marine Science Center – Florida’s envirnmental odyssey

Shearwater Journeys – Excellent seabirding with Debbie Sheawater since 1976

Space Coast Birding & Wildlife Festival The biggest festival in the country! Join Wes and other FNT guides!

Tropical Audubon Society – Go to “Birds” and then to “Bird Board” for the latest information on South Florida Birds

Wings & Wildflowers It’s new & very different! Join several FNT guides


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