Katrina hails from Reading PA, the home of one of the true giants of American Ornithology, Spencer Fullerton Baird.
She started birding at the age of 13 in her home state, but the first bird that she really remembers being mesmerized by was a Magnificent Frigatebird soaring over Key Largo when she was on a family vacation to Florida.
At the age of 15 she participated in her first of many Christmas Bird Counts.
After earning her degree in chemistry at Lynchburg College in Virginia she continued in her pursuit of birds and ornithological literature.
Her long-time involvement with the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology has resulted in stints as the editor of the state journal as well as its newsletter. The Baird Ornithological Club has benefited from her work as newsletter editor, field trip leader, board member & president.
Dragging Wes Biggs through a Pennsylvania snowstorm on the shores of Lake Ontelaunee and pointing to a beautiful Pink-footed Goose has resulted in her leading many Dry Tortugas and South Florida birding tours and a lot of happy Tortugans who would otherwise not have Yellow-faced Grassquit on their life lists.
Cell: 407-376-6967 Email: infofloridanaturetours@gmail.com